Monday, March 24, 2014

Calling all wine-o's

Alright, I know we've all seen the insane amounts of wine bottle projects out there. And it's probably safe to say we've all tried at least one! If you're one of the few who haven't then my question to you is...HOW DO YOU RESIST?! Those thousands of re-pins of planters, vases, citronella candles, etc., all made from empty wine bottles. They're crazy cute but then rarely do they turn out like the pictures.

I've tried cutting glass with only a string, nail polish and a lighter, still not sure what I did wrong there. I thought I had successfully made the citronella lantern at one point, but sure enough, I did something wrong and shortly after being lit the bottle broke and shattered in the yard. That could've been a much worse scenario!

I've got a few bottles painted to match different room's color schemes around my house, and they add a nice little splash of color. However, the easiest project I did with all those leftover wine bottles (Mom, I promise I had lots of help and that it took a LONG time to collect so many!) and probably my favorite so far, was using it as garden decor. I got the idea online where someone had lined the edge of their garden with empty jars and bottles instead of bricks. But the idea of glass sitting on the ground next to where the lawnmower runs didn't sit well with me. Luckily, Tyler brought home the porch stairs from a closing job site trailer, and it all came together. Tyler added a few boards to patch up where soil and dirt would fall right out and we used wine and beer bottles to hold the dirt in the front and double as decor. 

As you can see, the plants didn't grow very well, and the ones that did looked like weeds, but the planter looked pretty cute! The labels peeled and faded with the West Texas weather and I liked it even more. Always better when things like that have a worn look to them, cherry on top that it happened on its own.

So all of this was to say....I need wine bottles! When we moved, I had to trash all the ones I had and start my collection from scratch. Although I might have enough for my planter come summer, I'm also planning on using some for wedding decor and can't healthily acquire enough for both (you're welcome, liver). If more of my wine drinkin' buddies lived in the same metroplex it wouldn't be an issue, but we're all scattered about so that won't work very well. 
 Someone find this one!
 Every single flavor from this line is super tasty, but they're a newer, small company so it's kinda hard to find it!

My only request (besides the empty wine bottles) is that you stay to enjoy a new bottle and possily even share your creativity in helping put your donation to use! :)

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