Once I was back to normal, I got the motivation for a nice workout. Since I haven't had much luck getting myself out the door for a run, I was going to try making use of an old, neglected jump rope. Here are the reasons I am pro-jump rope now:
- I don't have to lock the dogs up and leave the house (I do, however, have to make sure they stay out of the way so as to not get a flying rope to the face).
- I can use the TV to distract myself.
- Even though I'm not getting in a run, research shows that I'm still getting a comparable work out. According to this site (which I found via one of the many work out pins on Pinterest), it only takes 13 minutes to burn 171 calories (13.15 calories per minute) while jogging burns 153 calories in 12 minutes (12.75 calories per minute). Of course the details vary according to each person because of weight and pace, but you get the gist.
Since I am always finding new work outs from the creative and aforementioned Pinterest, the toning part of my workouts are constantly changing, which not only keeps things new and fresh, but it makes sure I focus on different muscle groups, even if I'm not aware of it! :) Instagram is great for that too, plus there's tons of people who post motivating pictures to keep me on track towards my goal. I really appreciate seeing those pictures after an especially lazy weekend, since those tend to be my cheat days, to get my butt back into gear. for the new week.
So lately I've been obsessed with Lipton's Green Tea with Citrus.
Unless I am in dire need of a Wal-Mart run, then you can usually find one gallon next to the milk, one gallon on the bottom shelf and even sometimes one or two more on top of the fridge just waiting for their chance to be chilled. I got hooked during the time that Tyler's company put us up in a hotel before we found our house. We wanted drinks other than tap water (which was not as bad as Midland's but still not desirable) without having to buy them for $7 a bottle in the lobby. Although fresh brewed green tea is obviously healthier choice, this stuff is way easier and most likely tastes better than what I would come up with by brewing and flavoring it myself. However, it's worth a shot if it is in fact better for you so maybe I'll add green tea bags to my grocery list to do a test run. I experimented with flavored waters today (which is supposed to sit for 24 hours, so I'll let you know tomorrow how that goes) and if they turn out like the previous Pinners said then I might just have my own little brewing factory going on here!
In the end, if I fall back into buying gallons of Lipton's pre made stuff, then it's still gotta be better than cokes, so at least I'll have that justifying thought.
Obviously this is over a long period of time, but it still makes me think twice when staring at the options at a soda fountain, even if that second thought still has me reaching for the Dr. Pepper spout every once in a while!
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