"No More is a new unifying symbol designed to galvanize greater awareness and action to end domestic violence and sexual assault.
The NO MORE symbol has been in the making since 2009. It was developed because despite the significant progress that has been made in the visibility of domestic violence and sexual assault, these problems affecting millions remain hidden and on the margins of public concern. Hundreds of representatives from the domestic violence and sexual assault prevention field came together and agreed that a new, overarching symbol, uniting all people working to end these problems, could have a dramatic impact on the public’s awareness.
The signature blue vanishing point originated from the concept of a zero – as in zero incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault. NO MORE calls on all of us together to end the silence and speak out against the violence experienced by people of all genders, races and ethnicities, and age groups."
"The vision of the Joyful Heart Foundation is a community with no sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse.
Our mission is to heal, educate and empower survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse, and to shed light into the darkness that surrounds these issues."
Joyful Heart Foundation was founded by Mariska Hargitay in 2004.
Recently, I saw the post on Facebook making it's way around and shared it myself because the content was so shocking to me. Someone compiled a list of posts with #yesallwomen tagged, and it's quite the eye opener to read through them all. I've seen it a million times on SVU, but for real people to be posting about personal experiences, it just seemed different.
Some people get upset when women are told to learn how to protect themselves, saying it's "victim blaming" and that instead we should teach people not to assault. I get where they're coming from, and yeah, that'd be fantastic if people would just STOP BEING EVIL, but there will always be bad in world (thanks for that, Eve) in some form or fashion. That being said, we might as well be proactive and prepare as much as possible to be able to get out of bad situations, should one present itself. Plus, I would imagine just having the ability to take down a grown man would give you crazy amounts of confidence! I, for one, know that I would like to be able to walk to my car or go for a run in my neighborhood before/after the sun is up/down, without being terrified that I'm making a target out of myself. Have you ever gone for a job with a pocket knife latched to the hip of your shorts or leggings? It is NOT comfortable. On that note...anyone wanna sign up for a kickboxing class with me?
While it drives me crazy to think of the absolutely ridiculous amounts of cash that actors and athletes and reality TV "stars" rake in just for going to work like the rest of us do (that soapbox might be it's own post someday), it is nice to see them doing some good with their riches.
If you feel compelled to support one of these worthy organizations, the links to their websites are attached in their descriptions above where you can learn more and/or navigate to the donations pages. No More's site states that when purchasing merchandise, which is a great way to raise awareness and start conversations, payment covers only the cost of the item and shipping & handling, so if you're wanting to give money click on the Donate tab and they ask you to choose a group working towards their same goal to end domestic violence and sexual assault. You can donate to the Joyful Heart Foundation via their website or No More's.
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